PTC Releases Creo v11, Updates Creo+

This launch enables engineers to enjoy enhancements for electrification, composites, model-based definition, simulation-driven design and manufacturing, the company says.

This launch enables engineers to enjoy enhancements for electrification, composites, model-based definition, simulation-driven design and manufacturing, the company says.

4 axis rotary milling. Image courtesy of PTC.

PTC has announced the 11th version of its Creo CAD software and the latest version of its Creo+ software-as-a-service computer-aided design (CAD) solution.

This launch enables engineers to deliver designs in less time and enjoy enhancements for electrification, composites, model-based definition, simulation-driven design and manufacturing.

“Creo 11 and Creo+ deliver enhancements that design engineers will use every day,” says Brian Thompson, general manager of Creo at PTC.

“Improvements to our AI-powered generative design and integrated Ansys-based simulation gives customers the opportunity to employ simulation-driven design earlier in the development process to improve time to market, initial product quality, and manufacturing cost.

“PTC has continued to invest in Creo’s capabilities for model-based definition (MBD), design of electrical sub-systems, composite designs, and advanced manufacturing.”

With Creo 11, clients have access to:

  • Usability and Productivity Enhancements: Support for multibody concepts, streamlining part design workflows, a refined Shrinkwrap feature for assembly handling, and an upgraded enclosure volume feature.
  • Improvements in Electrification: Strengthened capabilities in cabling and ECAD-MCAD collaboration align with electrification across industries. Customers can leverage cabling tools to manipulate locations precisely, place custom components efficiently, and gain visibility into harness structures. 
  • Enhanced Composite Design and Manufacturing: Advancements in composite design, simulation, and manufacturing capabilities.
  • Expanded Model-Based Definition (MBD) Tools: More powerful model-based definition tools enable teams to easily organize design data in simple tables that can be read by humans and machines with user-defined text, parameter callouts, and semantic references.
  • Simulation-Driven Design and Generative Design: Creo 11 introduces new simulation-driven design capabilities for better design ideation, guidance, and validation. Its generative design has been enhanced with minimum limits on feature size, bearing load support, and constraints for planar symmetry.
  • Advanced Manufacturing Tools: Optimized additive and subtractive manufacturing tools ensure greater efficiency and versatility in the manufacturing process. Improvements include enhanced lattice structure creation, and smoother operations, such as 4-axis rotary milling and area turning.

In addition to the release of Creo 11, PTC announced the latest version of Creo+, which allows users to leverage the functionality of Creo in a SaaS solution with cloud-enabled collaboration and entitlement tools.

Creo+ is fully upward compatible with on-premises versions of Creo and is built on the same core technology, so no data translation is needed.

Creo 11 includes all the capabilities of previous Creo versions. For additional information on Creo 11, please click here.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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