Fonon Additive Manufacturing Paired With AI

The bulk-to-shape technology is currently being developed by Fonon and has not been fully commercialized.

The bulk-to-shape technology is currently being developed by Fonon and has not been fully commercialized.

Fonon Corp., a multi-market holding company, research and development center, equipment designer and manufacturer of advanced laser material processing systems for subtractive and additive manufacturing (AM), highlights benefits of its Bulk-To-Shape (BTS) additive manufacturing / 3D metal printing technology when combined with the power of artificial intelligence (AI). The BTS technology is currently being developed by Fonon and has not been fully commercialized.

AI is becoming an integral part of industrial workflows, and metal 3D printing is set to advance with AI assistance. Industry specialists currently view AI as a “co-piloting” tool that enhances processes rather than as the sole driver of operations, according to Fonon. AI analysis will allow BTS system users to redesign or adjust processes before fabrication to prevent potential defects and refine the final output.

Another potential for AI lies in its language processing capabilities. By integrating generative AI into system controllers, the dependency on specialized knowledge and training for operation can be reduced. In addition, AI-powered support systems can provide real-time preventive guidance to operators, lowering the margin of error.

Fonon is developing a system powered by BTS technology to offer various industries a new material management method, recycling either obsolete parts or raw materials into fully functional components.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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