Vibrant and ATA Launch VibraSuite for Mechanical Test and Analysis

Mechanical test and analysis tools are combined with common token licensing for new levels of productivity.

Mechanical test and analysis tools are combined with common token licensing for new levels of productivity.

By DE Editors

ATA Engineering, Inc. (San Diego, CA) and Vibrant Technology, Inc.(Scotts Valley, CA) announced the launch of VibraSuite, new softwarethat combines four separate mechanical test and analysis tools.VibraSuite uses a token-based software license server to give engineersaccess to a range of well-regarded software products from differentvendors.

Token-based licensing has emerged as a flexible and cost-effectivesoftware licensing solution. This is the first time it has been used toprovide lower-cost access to complementary tools from different vendors.

VibraSuite incorporates ME’scope software from Vibrant with threerelated applications from ATA: ROTATE, Attune, and IMAT. ME’scope isused for extracting modal parameters and operating deflection shapesfrom mechanical test data. It postprocesses data from more than 40different data acquisition systems and offers special user interfacesfor more than 15 high-channel-count systems, including Brüel andKjaer, VXI Technology, Data Physics, Sony, Oros, O1dB, and Larson Davis.

ROTATE, recently acquired by ATA from Vold Solutions, alsopostprocesses test data from a large number of data acquisition systemsfor high-precision extraction of harmonics, orders, resonances, andtransients in complex operating data. ROTATE’s unique diagnosticgraphics and torsional vibration decoding algorithms are used byrotating-machinery maintenance specialists and gas turbine makers toFormula One and NASCAR racecar designers. Attune offers the very latesttechnology for semiautomatically adjusting and refining afinite-element dynamics model to correlate with test data. IMATsoftware is a high-level library of MATLAB functions that enableengineers to further integrate and customize their mechanical test andanalysis tasks.

All VibraSuite component applications are integrated by common fileformats. For example, any frequency, order, or time-based vibrationdata extracted by ROTATE can be displayed in ME’scope as an animatedoperating deflection shape. Transients are animated versus time tofully visualize and help diagnose the most complex phenomena.

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