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Tata Technologies Offers PLM Assessment Service

The details of the program are the focus of a new CIMdata white paper.

Tata Technologies’ PLM (product lifecycle management) Analytics program is the topic of a new white paper published by consulting and research firm CIMdata.

The program, developed in partnership with CIMdata, brings together a suite of assessment tools that provide manufacturers a view of their PLM system to build a roadmap. The collaboration, according to the company, combines Tata’s practical engineering expertise and CIMdata’s knowledge of PLM best practices.

Tata’s assessment tools — PLM Benchmark, PLM Health Check and PLM Roadmap — draw on CIMdata’s database of use cases to provide a benchmark of where a company’s maturity relative to objectives and industry.

“Our partnership with CIMdata has enabled Tata Technologies to further develop a cutting edge suite of analytical PLM tools to provide our clients with unique insight into the maturity of their product development process,” said Chris Hind, principal consultant for global services with Tata Technologies and a co-creator of PLM Analytics.

For more information, visit Tata Technologies.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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Jess Lulka

Jess Lulka is a former associate editor for Digital Engineering. Contact her via [email protected].

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