Sound and Vibration Summit

Third annual event to be held as part of NIWeek 2006

Third annual event to be held as part of NIWeek 2006

By DE Editors

The third annual Sound and Vibration Summit will be held in conjunctionwith NIWeek in Austin, Texas, August  8 and 9. Hosted by NationalInstruments, the summit features interactive presentations, hands-onworkshops, and a floor exhibition.

Dr. Jay Lee, Director of the Center for Intelligent MaintenanceSystems, will present the keynote address. Also presenting will beRavi Beniwal from SenSound speaking on “Noise Source Identificationwith Microphone Arrays,” and Michael F. Albright of Signal.XTechnologies will speak on “Thinking in the Frequency Domain: From Signals toFeatures to Metrics.” SolidWorks and National Instruments will presenta special demonstration on “Mechanical Modeling and Testing.

To get up-to-the minute details on the Sound and Vibration Summitsessions and exhibitors as well as registration information, click here.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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