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SolidPartners Announces Early Adopter Availability of 4G:PLM

Features of the application include full workflow automation, BOM-centric PLM tools and support for cloud-based implementations.

SolidPartners, a provider of PDM (product data management) and PLM (product lifecycle management) systems, has made its 4G:PLM solution available for early adopters.

According to the company, 4G:PLM is a simple, powerful and affordable PLM platform developed for small to medium-sized companies who need to manage their BOM (bill of materials ), AML (approved manufactures lists) and change processes.

Key features of the software include:

  • Support for both cloud-based and on-premise implementations
  • Full multi-platform desktop support
  • Windows and Mac compatibility
  • BOM-centric PLM tools
  • Full workflow automation
  • Configuration management
  • Supply chain management
  • Competitive pricing
  • Security model with supply chain collaboration
“4G:PLM is hands down the simplest, most intuitive PLM system I have come across at a far more attractive price point than any other software package available on the market. The SolidPartners team has tremendous depth of experience in the PLM space, is highly responsive, customer focused and a pleasure to work with,” said Dave Snyder, supply chain director at Miselu.

4G:PLM will be available for general market later this summer.

For more information, visit SolidPartners.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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