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Sierra Nevada Corporation Expands Dream Chaser Team with Siemens PLM

Siemens' increased involvement will facilitate global development and additional customer markets.

Sierra Nevada Corporation‘s (SNC) Space Systems has expanded its relationship with Siemens’ product lifecycle management (PLM) software with SNC officially joining the Dream Chaser “Dream Team.”

The Dream Chaser is a winged, lifting-body spacecraft that is providing a flexible, credible, affordable solution for the International Space Station crew transportation, the company states.

Siemen’s involvement on the “Dream Team” has grown from its previous work with SNC’s Spacecraft product line. In this expansion, Siemen’s software will facilitate global vehicle development and the servicing of additional customer markets for the Dream Chaser spacecraft.

“We are extremely proud to have earned the confidence of SNC for such an important global initiative,” said Doug Fish, vice president, U.S. sales, Siemens PLM Software. “As the leading supplier of PLM software to the space industry, Siemens takes its commitment to customer success very seriously. We are confident it will continue to provide the right information, in the right place, and at the right time, to help the SNC Dream Chaser Dream Team continue to make smart decisions throughout spacecraft development.”

For more information, visit Sierra Nevada Corporation and Siemens.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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