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Siemens PLM, Bentley Systems Advance Manufacturing Process Productivity

This collaboration enables users of Siemens' PLM software solutions to work from enhanced 3D digital models.

Siemens PLM Software and Bentley Systems has partnered to integrate the digital product and process lifecycle into digital factory design. The companies have integrated Bentley’s point-cloud building information modeling (BIM) advancement with Siemen’s Technomatix software for 3D digital factory automation.

This collaboration enables users of Siemens’ product lifecycle management (PLM) software solutions to work from enhanced 3D digital models of existing factories by using models created from scanned point clouds.

According to the company, manufacturers can benefit from:

  • Earlier start of production;
  • Better quality designs with increased production throughput;
  • Rapid creation of as-built plant models;
  • The ability to have the point-cloud model to serve as the as-built/as-operating record of the line.
As part of this partnership, both companies have leveraged each other’s software programs. Bentley’s Vortex point-cloud technology is to be added to appropriate Siemens applications as opportunities expand.

“We introduced targeted customers to early integrations of our software, which leveraged the Bentley Vortex tools, and the response was overwhelmingly positive,” said Al Hufstetler, vice president, Siemens PLM Software. “The value added by bringing the as-built digital factory design into our Tecnomatix process simulation and planning products is clearly a great first step in our adoption of the Bentley tools. Process planning and plant floor designers will benefit from our partnership, which not only enables faster and better iterations, but also provides greater visibility into the path of construction and manufacturing performance.”

For more information, visit Siemens PLM Software and Bentley Solutions.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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