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Reaction Design Introduces FORTÉ CFD for 3D Internal Combustion Engine Design

Real fuel chemistry solution can be used to design future engines.

Real fuel chemistry solution can be used to design future engines.

By DE Editors

Reaction Design,  a developer of combustion simulation software, has introduced FORTÉ, a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) package for realistic 3D modeling of fuel effects in internal combustion engines. Incorporating advanced spray models, as well as high-fidelity fuel chemistry models, the company says FORTÉ CFD delivers simulation accuracy and speed.

“FORTÉ CFD will help automotive engine designers develop the most fuel-efficient and low-emission power plants to propel the vehicles of the future,” says Bernie Rosenthal, CEO of Reaction Design. “Practice shows that existing CFD tools can’t handle realistic fuel chemistry required for accurate emissions and efficiency predictions. FORTÉ gives designers the ability to model efficient engines that are able to take advantage of the broadening fuels landscape while meeting increasingly strict emissions standards.”

FORTÉ CFD is designed to enable accurate simulations using detailed chemistry mechanisms. The mechanisms for real fuel chemistry that can be used in FORTÉ are backed by research within the Model Fuels Consortium,  which has validated model predictions over a range of pressures, temperatures and equivalence ratios. The company says FORTÉ CFD’s technology simplifies and accelerates the chemistry calculations that are required to achieve accuracy with time-to-solution metrics that fit in commercial-development timeframes.

Through a joint venture between Reaction Design and Wisconsin Engine Research Consultants, FORTÉ CFD integrates “grid independent”  spray models that can reduce the amount of calibration required for predicting engine performance. These high-fidelity spray models also allow real fuel analysis by matching multi-component physical properties with a multi-component chemistry model.

For more information, visit Reaction Design.

Sources:  Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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