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FEATool Multiphysics v1.17 Now Available

Release features improvements to turbulent and compressible flow simulations.

Release features improvements to turbulent and compressible flow simulations.

Enhancements focus on advanced physics modes, enhanced user interface, and improved performance and capabilities. Image courtesy of Precise Simulation.

The FEATool Multiphysics finite element analysis (FEA) and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) multi-solver/simulation toolbox from Precise Simulation has been updated to version 1.17, with enhancements focusing on advanced physics modes, enhanced user interface, and improved performance and capabilities for aerodynamics simulations.

The new release features improvements to turbulent and compressible flow simulations, adding support for these flow regimes to the OpenFOAM and SU2 Code solver interfaces. A dedicated OpenFOAM scripting and programming interface (API) has been introduced, as well as improved performance and responsiveness of the toolbox Graphical User Interface (GUI).

Compressible Supersonic Flow Simulations

A new physics mode for compressible flows for turbulent and high Mach number flow regimes has been introduced. This physics mode is supported by the SU2 and OpenFOAM CFD solvers, and enables users to model flows and applications involving high-speed trans-sonic and supersonic airflows with shock waves and boundary layers, such as in high Ma aerodynamic, rocket, and also space applications.

To get started with compressible flow modeling a new tutorial benchmark model for supersonic flow past a prism has also been made available.

In addition the existing compressible flow mode for the inviscid Euler equations is naturally still available with support for all solvers, including full multi-physics applications and built-in and FEniCS FEA solvers.

OpenFOAM Simulations with Conjugate Heat Transfer

The OpenFOAM GUI and CFD solver interface has also been extended to support natural and forced convection with conjugate heat transfer and geometries featuring multiple domains with the chtMultiRegionFoam and buoyantBoussinesqFoam solver applications. This can be applicable to complex multiphysics simulations involving heat transfer and chemical reactions, such as found in heat exchangers, reactors and battery simulations.

In connection with this addition, new model examples and tutorials related to heat exchangers and heat transfer have been introduced and extended, offering users a range of applications within industries such as automotive, energy and process engineering, where thermal effects impact system performance. With these new tutorial examples, users can get up to speed with complex heat transfer simulations to analyze various design scenarios.

OpenFOAM API Interface for MATLAB

The OpenFOAM CFD solver API has been fully made open and available to all users, meaning that users can programmatically set up, define, manage and run OpenFOAM CFD simulations directly from MATLAB CLI interface and user defined m-file scripts. This also includes importing and exporting external OpenFOAM dictionaries, data and simulation results.

The new API enables advanced users to use the flexibility and ease-of-use of MATLAB scripting, and controlling every aspect of OpenFOAM and advanced fluid dynamics simulations.

SU2 Code Solver Interface Enhancements

The SU2 CFD solver interface has also been upgraded to support compressible high Ma number and turbulent flows (in addition to inviscid compressible flow as before). These upgrades provide users with a toolset, enabling simulations for various engineering systems involving supersonic airflow and shock waves.

Being able to use and run multiple solvers with the same GUI and model setup allow users to perform advanced CFD validation and comparison studies.

FEATool version 1.17 also features improvements for enhanced user interface (GUI) performance and responsiveness to enable smoother and more efficient simulation workflows. These improvements enables users to quickly move between models, scripts, and results.

Please see the FEATool Multiphysics Changelog and the improved and updated toolbox documentation for a detailed list of changes and new features.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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