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PTC Introduces PTC PLM Cloud

The platform is designed for small to midsized businesses.

PTC has expanded its PLM (product lifecycle management) offerings with the PTC PLM Cloud. This platform is ideal for small to midsized (SMB) companies. It leverages PTC Windchill resources with a hosted subscription model.

According to PTC, the platform eliminates the typical SMB practice of shared folders and file naming conventions that can hamper product development. With sharing data in the cloud, users can streamline development across teams in different locations with various CAD applications as well as external teams and suppliers.

The environment is compliant with ISO 27001:2013 security protocols, achieves 99.5% availability and is optimized for distribution teams.

“This solution is a true fully-featured PLM offering, including multi-CAD data management and collaboration,” said Brian Shepherd, executive vice president, Extended PLM Segment, PTC. “We’re excited to bring real, proven PLM to even the smallest product companies. Without needing to worry about system administration, they can focus on what matters most — their business.”

PTC PLM Cloud will be available in March in three different subscription options: Standard, Premium and Enterprise.

For more information, visit PTC.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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