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New Application Integrates Materials Knowledge with PTC Windchill PLM

Grants PTC users access to thousands of metals, plastics, composites, ceramics and natural materials.

Granta Design demonstrated its new material data integration application for PTC Windchill PLM (product lifecycle management) system at PTC Live Global, which ran from June 15 to 18 in Boston.

MI:Materials has become a way to provide fast, fully traceable access materials data required for accurate design, simulation and PLM, the company states.

The plug-in can provide a catalog of materials reference data on thousands of metals, plastics, ceramics, composites and natural materials. It also allows users to apply specific materials to parts in Windchill. Additional data can be procured for different versions of materials, for example, for non-linear simulation, cost analysis or environmental impact assessment with quick and easy assessment.

Users of PTC Creo can access MI:Materials with embedded tools to search and select materials, determine accurate mass roll-ups and explore eco-design or restricted substances implications.

“Historically, materials property information has been the ‘poor relation’ in terms of its management and integration within virtual product development. We are delighted that our partnership with PTC will enable engineering enterprises in a variety of industries to take advantage of these new capabilities within Windchill, making a significant difference to the application of material intelligence,” Arthur Fairfull of Granta Design said at PTC Live Global.

For more information, visit Granta Design and PTC.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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