Medical Modeling

Materialise announces new software release, customer contest.

Materialise announces new software release, customer contest.

By Sara Ferris

Mimics 11 image-processing software from Materialise creates 3D models from images such as CAT scans, MRIs, and microscopes. Optional modules support output to various CAD programs, rapid prototype systems, and analysis and simulation applications. The MedCAD module creates CAD objects and surfaces to fit the scanned anatomical data. The CAD model can then be exported in IGES format for use in tasks such as designing a custom prosthesis. The STL module supports output in STL and VRML format. 

Mimics 11 reduces its memory consumption by 30% compared with earlier versions, and an improved 3D editor makes it easier to perform segmentations. A new remesher allows users to preserve contours and determine triangle size locally, based on wall thickness. Other enhancements include optimized repositioning tools and X-ray reconstruction and photo mapping.

Recommended system configuration is a Pentium D or equivalent with 2GB RAM and an ATI RADEON or NVIDIA GeForce graphics card with 128MB RAM. The software runs on Windows 2000/XP/Vista, and a 64-bit version is available for Vista x64,

Each year, Materialise honors the most innovates uses of its Mimics software with the Mimics Innovation Awards, which carry monetary prizes totaling 17,500 euros. Entries can fall into one of four categories:

· Innovative implant design systems and medical procedures

· Innovations in CAE

· Open category (for example, archaeology, industrial applications, veterinary cases)

· Poster category

Winners of the first three categories receive 5,000 euros, while the poster winner receives 2,500 euros. An international jury of 3D medical image processing experts selects the winners. Deadline for abstracts is November 30, 2007.

To view winning entries from last year, click here.

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