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Kalypso Launches PLM Pulse

The consulting firm is providing infrastructure implementation and support.

Innovation consulting firm Kalypso has launched managed services for product lifecycle management (PLM) system support, administration and maintenance. The services will operate under the title PLM Pulse.

PLM Pulse, according to the company, provides user administration, configuration changes, on-call issue resolution, proactive system monitoring, installation and maintenance. This organization is focused on helping companies create a PLM system that is able to continuously adapt to changing business conditions and priorities.

This service supports companies in industries such as consumer goods, life sciences, high technology, industrial manufacturing and healthcare.

“Our objective is to help organizations deliver real business value and sustainable results from PLM,” said Trey Allen, partner at Kalypso. “With PLM Pulse, our clients can get the PLM solution support they need from our business and technical experts. This frees up their internal resources to focus on more valuable innovation activities instead.”

For more information, visit Kalypso.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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