Flexible Plastic For Prototyping

CRP Technology introduces Windform FX.

CRP Technology introduces Windform FX.

By DE Editors

CRP Technology introduced a new flexible rapid prototyping material in its Windform family. Windform FX is a polyamide-based material designed to provide exceptional resistance and resilience to repeated bending and twisting as well as excellent crash resistance.  It offers consistency and behavior similar to polypropylene and ABS stamped parts, according to the company. Windform FX works well for applications such as flexible components and functional parts with clicks or zips. Other possible uses include fenders, fans, connectors, dashboards, and complex, thin-walled ducts.  The material is intended for use with SLS (selective laser sintering) systems.


Rapid prototyping design created using Windform FX material from CRP Technology.


Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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