Excel Foundry Forges Ahead, 2 in a Series

Expanding revenues and markets by combining scan-to-CAD software from ReverseEngineering.com with a portable Romer arm.

Expanding revenues and markets by combining scan-to-CAD software from ReverseEngineering.com with a portable Romer arm.

By Christiann Moore

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The ReverseEngineering.com system enabled a “model as you measure” method, ensuring nothing was missing since a completed 3D model results as soon as the measurements are taken.

  Plus, Excel has been able to make more parts for more machines. “Between the PCMM and HighRES it opened things up for larger, more complex parts that we can supply to the aftermarket,” says Dewitt. “Basically now anything goes. It opened up another world of opportunities. When somebody from sales comes to us asking if we can handle a large complex project the first thing we’ll say is, ‘Let’s get someone on a plane and measure it up.’  Without the PCMM and HighRES, it wasn’t possible to move so quickly.” 

Excel Foundry Forges Ahead
An added benefit of the ReverseEngineering. com solution is that the company has been able to take on more complex jobs.

Last, the company enjoyed customer service Dewitt characterizes as “great.” In fact, Dewitt is hard-pressed to offer suggestions for improvement of the ReverseEngineering software. “If you can do it in your CAD package, you can do it with HighRES. HighRES allows you to do everything inside the CAD,” he says.

The Future: More Revenues,More Business
Dewitt and Excel also appreciate the flexibility of ReverseEngineering.com software. Though it recently switched to a different CAD system, the company was able to stay with the robust ReverseEngineering.com software it has come to depend on —  a relief to Dewitt.

  In fact, it’s difficult for Dewitt to imagine work without ReverseEngineering.com. “It would probably take four times longer to do the same stuff we do now. We would have had to input everything manually, and the amount of time to do that would have been astronomical. If ReverseEngineering.com didn’t exist, we probably wouldn’t have purchased the PCMM. It does everything we need it to do — plus a lot more. There are features and functions we haven’t even touched and we use it a lot.”

  Excel recently bought a second arm, and second ReverseEngineering.com seat. There was just too much business to handle,  thanks in large part to ReverseEngineering’s direct-to-CAD capabilities.

More Info:
Autodesk Inc.
San Rafael, CA

ReverseEngineering.com, Inc.
La Jolla, CA

Romer Inc.
Wixom, MI

Christiann Moore has been with ReverseEngineering.com for 12 years. She is the current director of the company and has more than 30 years of experience including past employment at IBM. Please send comments about this article to [email protected].

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