Electronic Arts’ Maxis Studio and ZCorp Pen Agreement

Video game fans of Spore can now build "Spore Sculptures" using 3D printing technology.

Video game fans of Spore can now build "Spore Sculptures" using 3D printing technology.

By DE Editors


Z Corporation (Burlington,  MA) and Maxis, an Electronic Arts Inc. (EA) studio announced that Spore video game users can now take their Spore figures and make them into 3D figures, or “Spore Sculptures,” using ZCorp’s 3D printing technology.

Z Corporation’s multi-color 3D printing technology makes it possible to create one-of-a-kind figurines from the individualized creatures configured in the Spore game. The full color physical objects are produced from 3D data similarly to the way an inkjet printer creates a text document.

The process for creating a Spore Sculpture is as follows:  players design their creature using the Spore Creature Creator, which offers hundreds of flexible drag-and-drop body parts and numerous possible configurations. The program allows players to digitally paint their creatures. The completed creatures can be uploaded to www.sporesculptor.com and players can then place their order. The ZPrinted models (up to 4 inches tall) will be shipped directly to consumers. Spore Sculptures retail for $49.50.

For detailed information on the Spore Sculpture creation process, visit Z Corporation.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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