EDEM Brings GPU-Optimized Solver Engine to the Cloud

The addition of an integrated GPU solver to Rescale gives users shorter time-to-answer and enables a deeper impact on design innovation, according to the companies.

The EDEM GPU solver engine is now available on Rescale’s ScaleX platform, a scalable, on-demand cloud platform for high-performance computing. The GPU solver, a highlight of the latest release of EDEM, enables performance increases from 2x to 10x compared to single-node, CPU-only runs.

EDEM offers Discrete Element Method (DEM) simulation software for virtual testing of equipment that processes bulk solid materials in the mining, construction and other industrial sectors. Richard LaRoche, CEO of EDEM comments: “The introduction of the EDEM GPU solver has made a key impact on our customers’ productivity by enabling them to run larger simulations faster. Our partnership with Rescale means more users will be able to harness the power of the EDEM engine by accessing the market’s latest GPUs through Rescale’s cloud platform.”

The addition of an integrated GPU solver to Rescale gives users shorter time-to-answer and enables a deeper impact on design innovation, according to the companies. To Rescale, the addition of EDEM’s GPU solver also signals a strengthening partnership.

“Rescale’s GPUs are the cutting edge of compute hardware, and EDEM is ahead of the curve in optimizing their software to leverage GPU capabilities. We are proud to be their partner of choice to bring this forward-thinking simulation solution to the cloud, bringing HPC within easy reach of engineers everywhere,” says Rescale CEO Joris Poort.

Visit EDEM and Rescale.

Sources: Press materials received from the company.

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