Dynaflow Releases New Acoustic Bubble Spectrometer

Generation II ABS features increased data sampling rate and signal processing.

Generation II ABS features increased data sampling rate and signal processing.

By DE Editors

Dynaflow Inc. has announced the release of Generation II of the ABS Acoustic Bubble Spectrometer (ABS) for the measurement of bubble size distributions and void fractions in gas/liquid mixtures. The ABS can be used in applications requiring the monitoring of the bubble population.

The Generation II ABS features an increased data sampling rate, which expands the bubble detection limit below 10 microns radius. In this new generation, all the hardware external to the processing computer has been integrated in one box. Additionally, a laptop configuration is now available using an Express Card port.

In addition to tests in water media, R&D efforts for acoustic bubble detection have been conducted for other media such as biological tissue, mercury, and food. According to the company, the resulting improvements in the signal processing have increased the accuracy of the ABS and allows for the processing of noisy signals that would have been discarded by the previous ABS generation.

For more information, visit Dynaflow Inc.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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