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CIMdata Releases New PLM Market Reports

The U.S. market reached almost $6.2 billion in 2013.

CIMdata, a global product lifecycle management (PLM) research firm, has released additional country-specific Market Analysis Reports (MAR).

The PLM MAR series presents the company’s analysis of the 2013 PLM market. It provides perspective on a variety of industrial and geographical sectors, identifies market trends, reviews investments on software and services, and forecasts investments from 2014 to 2018.

Reports are now available for the U.S., Brazil, China, Germany, India, Japan, Russia and South Korea.

“2013 was a good year in most of the countries examined in these country reports,” said Stan Przybylinski, vice president of research, CIMdata. “At nearly $6.2 billion in 2013, the United States is the largest market and is forecast to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.0% through 2018. Japan was second in this group, with 2013 revenues of $3.3 billion and a CAGR of 6.0%. PLM revenues in Germany were $2.96 billion, and a CAGR of 4.6%. These three countries have dominated the PLM market for years, and will maintain that position. However, South Korea (at $478 million and a 7.6% CAGR) and the emerging PLM economies of Brazil, China, Russia, and India have great potential. CIMdata estimates the 2013 PLM revenues in Brazil were $268 million (7.2% CAGR), in India $541 million (9.5% CAGR), and in Russia $278 million (6.5% CAGR), and that these high growth rates will place them among the global PLM revenue leaders.”

For more information, visit CIMdata.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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