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CIMdata to Host Webinar on PLM and ERP

The hour-long event will cover benefits and tips on implementation for PLM.

Next month, CIMdata will host a free webinar focusing on product lifecycle management (PLM) and enterprise resource planning (ERP) and how to effective leverage them throughout the design process.

In the hour-long presentation, titled “PLM & ERP: What’s the Difference, and Why Should you Care?”, attendees will learn:

  • Strengths of PLM and ERP
  • Benefits of combining PLM and ERP
  • How to efficiently use a PLM platform to enhance ERP efficiency
  • How to bridge the PLM/ERP gap
“There is often a conflict in many companies about where PLM and ERP fit within the product design and manufacturing lifecycle,” says Jim McKinney, practice manager, PLM Leadership at CIMdata. “Since there is overlap, it is often difficult to determine where various processes should be performed and where product data should be managed. In this webinar we will explain the differences between PLM and ERP, and discuss how they can be integrated to provide innovative and high quality products.”

For more information, visit CIMdata.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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