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C&R Technologies to Integrate SpaceClaim into Thermal Analysis Software

Designed to help eliminate bottlenecks caused by complex, CAD-based geometries.

Designed to help eliminate bottlenecks caused by complex, CAD-based geometries.

By DE Editors

SpaceClaim has announced that C&R Technologies (CRTech), which provides software for heat transfer analysis and fluid flow design, has chosen SpaceClaim to be integrated within the CRTech family of products. The companies says CRTech SpaceClaim will help eliminate bottlenecks caused by CAD-based geometries that are too detailed or complex for simulation.

Complexities in creating thermal models often include issues such as inaccessibility of the CAD-based design geometry or the challenge that the geometry is too detailed for simulation purposes. Additionally, many thermal/fluid engineers are not CAD specialists. CRTech SpaceClaim will address these issues by enabling users to import CAD parts and assemblies from mny CAD formats to simplify and heal the geometry, and then send it on for meshing. CRTech SpaceClaim will also enable engineers to modify the geometries easily should the design change.

CRTech SpaceClaim is compatible with C&R Technologies’  Thermal Desktop and Thermal Workshop. CRTech’s Thermal Desktop is a PC-based design environment for generating thermal models of electronics and vehicles. CRTech Thermal Workshop provides the Thermal Desktop user with the ability to add thermal model information to a CAD drawing, and to extract and mesh complex parts and assemblies.

For more information, visit SpaceClaim and C&R Technologies.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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