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BigLever Software CEO to Present at Smart Automotive Variant.con

The presentation will focus on the integration of product line engineering solutions and operations.

BigLever Software, a provider of systems and software product line engineering (PLE)  solutions, is having its CEO present at Smart Automotive Variant.con 2014. The executive will spotlight how a convergence of PLE and operations (PLE&O) enables a unified approach for managing product line complexity across the full lifecycle.

Smart Automotive Variant.con is a networking event of the variant management field of the automotive industry. It is running from November 20 to 21 in Berlin. This is a change for attendees to discuss current challenges and innovations around automotive variant management.

“Today’s automotive manufacturers are under tremendous pressure to deliver ever-greater product line diversity with increasingly sophisticated software and electronics seamlessly integrated with an increasingly innovative array of mechanical parts — all while achieving economy of scale, reducing time-to-market, and improving quality,” said Charles Krueger, CEO, BigLever Software. “One of the main challenges that companies face is that the disciplines, processes and tools that have traditionally supported different facets of the lifecycle are based on widely different methodologies and have been isolated from each other. In my presentation, I will discuss how some of the world’s largest automakers are addressing all of these critical issues, breaking down organizational and operational silos, and dramatically reducing complexity through a holistic PLE&O approach.”

For more information, visit BigLever Software.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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