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BigLever, Aras Partner for PLE/PLM Platform

The companies are creating a software that integrates Innovator and Gears applications.

BigLever Software, a provider of PLE (product line engineering) solutions, has partnered with Aras to deliver an integrated PLE and PLM (product lifecycle management) software. The program, titled Aras Innovator/BigLever Gears Bridge is a step in enabling organizations to reduce complexity, break down company and operational silos and gain new levels of efficiency, a company press release states.

The PLE/PLM platform allows users to establish a single automated, feature-based production system that uses product feature profiles to sort engineering assets across the lifecycle.

“The sophistication of products and systems being deployed throughout the industry requires a commensurate sophistication in the alignment of tools and methods for the traditionally siloed hardware and software engineering,” said Charles Krueger, CEO, BigLever. “While the strategic alignment of PLM, PLE and ALM (application lifecycle management) has been widely touted in recent years, the Aras Innovator/BigLever Gears Bridge provides a dramatic breakthrough in how the industry will realize this vision. The result is a distinct competitive advantage for our mutual customers.”

For more information, visit BigLever Software.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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