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Arena Quality Solution Now Available

The platform provides quality management for Arena PLM.

Arena Solutions has officially released its Arena Quality platform for general availability. This application allows for quality management to be directly integrated into the company’s product lifecycle management (PLM) platform,

Main features of Arena Quality include customizable templates, explicit phase closure with 21 CFR Part 11 compliant electronic signatures plus the ability to assign work, collaborate and see project progress. Quality also provides searchable quality processes, and contextual link capabilities.

With Arena Quality’s extensive tracking and reporting, users’ records are always audit ready, the company states.

“We succeed when our customers succeed, and there are few things more important to our customers’ success than producing a high quality product,” said Steve Chalgren, Arena Solutions’ vice president of product management and strategy. “Because we’ve made quality a visible and integrated part of the product design and delivery process, everyone in the organization can work together to identify and solve problems quickly.”

For more information, visit Area Solutions.

Read more about Arena Quality on Desktop Engineering.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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