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Aras, Altium Partner to Deliver Next-Generation PLM for MCAD-ECAD

The solution, the companies state, is ideal for companies with systems engineering requirements.

Aras and Altium Limited have partnered to bring MCAD-ECAD PLM (product lifecycle management) capabilities to the Aras solution suite. Altium is a provider of Smart System Design Automation and 3D PCB (printed circuit board) design software.

Together, the companies will develop a new approach to a fully integrate MCAD-ECAD PLM workflow for global companies with systems engineering requirements and complex mechatronic product development environments.

“The development of next generation products combining electronics and software is resulting in greater complexity during design and manufacturing,” said Peter Schroer, president of Aras. “Altium’s perspective on the need to bring together the electronic and mechanical design processes aligns with ours, providing us the opportunity to jointly build better PLM processes for today’s modern manufacturers.”

For more information visit Aras and Altium.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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