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Advanced Magnet Lab Becomes COMSOL Certified Consultant

Designer and manufacturer of advanced coils, magnets, and magnet systems certified as COMSOL experts.

Designer and manufacturer of advanced coils, magnets, and magnet systems certified as COMSOL experts.

By DE Editors

COMSOL, Inc. has announced that Advanced Magnet Lab, Inc., (AML) has become a COMSOL Certified Consultant. AML provides technology and services for the design and manufacture of advanced coils, magnets, and magnet systems for a variety of applications in such markets as energy, aerospace and defense, medical, and advanced research. AML offers its clients numerical analysis capabilities including multiphysics FEA, multi-objective optimization, and dynamic analysis.

Headquartered in Palm Bay, FL,  AML has more than 15 years experience designing, optimizing, manufacturing, and testing electromagnetic and electromechanical systems. Core to AML’s technology and capabilities is a team of experts in the fields of high-power magnet systems, superconductivity, robotics and manufacturing automation. AML’s technology portfolio includes CoilCAD, AML’s proprietary 3D coil design software, and Double-Helix magnet technology.

For more information, visit COMSOL and Advanced Magnet Lab, Inc.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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