VizUp 4.3.3 Now Available

3D reducer and optimizer now supports advanced bicubic normals interpolation.

3D reducer and optimizer now supports advanced bicubic normals interpolation.

By DE Editors

VizUp 4.3.3, the latest release of VizUp’s 3D reducer and optimizer, supports advanced bicubic normals interpolation function. VizUp is a polygon reducer, which optimizes 3D models with polygon reduction method. The models processed by the software contain significantly less polygons and have a smaller size than the original models; therefore, these processed models are better suited for real-time visualization systems. The polygon optimizer can be used for automatic LODs generation.
Other features include improved support for ATI cards; improved advanced shapes/groups processing function; an improved texture borders preservation and processing algorithms; and improved import/export of Wavefront .obj files.

In addition, the software includes added support of 3G RAM address space, can save selected parts capabilities, and features an improved textures mapping quality. StereoLitho import/export has also been added.

For more information, visit VizUp.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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