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Test Circuits Anywhere, 1 in a Series

R&R Technologies introduces the PS-1, includes cordless battery-operated benchtop power supply.

R&R Technologies introduces the PS-1, includes cordless battery-operated benchtop power supply.

By DE Editors

The PS-1 Power Supply from R&R Technologies, Inc. (Portland, OR) is a portable benchtop power supply with built-in rechargeable batteries, allowing testing of low-power circuits without cord or power main limitations.

The PS-1 works with devices that run at 1.2 to 15 volts in end-user applications. Its adjustable-voltage functionality allows engineers to test devices at various stages in their lifecycles.

The PS-1 includes a three-digit LED display and has an adjustable current range of 10 to 1,000 mA. It also comes with a cord and a jack on the front panel to give users the ability to use power mains if desired. Price: $179; $40 to add RS-232 or USB interface options.

For more information on the PS-1 Power Supply, including pictures, specs, interface details, and a manual, visit

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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