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Smart Products Generate New Design Demand

Cambashi research shows demand for smarter interconnect design software increasing.

Cambashi research shows demand for smarter interconnect design software increasing.

The rapid increase in the number and variety of smart products and devices is generating new demand for design software tools that support the design workflows, according to new research from Cambashi. Many design teams are adopting model-based engineering techniques and one aspect of this is to represent aspects of the design with schematic diagrams.

In 2012, the market for specialist software tools to generate and maintain these diagrams has grown to some $540 million. These specialist software tools are known as Electro-Technik or ET tools.

“Smart products and devices make it increasingly important to record design intent rather than design solutions,” said Cambashi director Peter Thorne. “ET tools do just that. Graphical language can communicate better than prose or computer languages. We expect use to spread as they define requirements within other engineering disciplines.”

In 2012, mechatronics design accounted for 60% of the schematics software tools market. This was split between specialist software providers and specialist modules within suites offered by generalist mechanical computer aided design (MCAD) players.

The largest specialist software providers are EPLAN, with 17% of the whole mechatronics market, and IGE-XAO with 7%. Autodesk and Siemens PLM lead the generalists’ sector of the market with 16% each of the whole mechatronics market. They are followed by Dassault Systemes, who acquired Elsys in 2011, and PTC’s Creo Schematics.

For more information, visit Cambashi.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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