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ShareSafe File Security for ProductView Graphics Server

Pinion Software introduces product at PTC/User World 2007.

Pinion Software introduces product at PTC/User World 2007.

By DE Editors

The newest version of the ShareSafe file protection software from Pinion Software (Austin, TX) extends the security capabilities of the PTC visual collaboration platform ProductView Graphics Server.

ShareSafe adds a level of continuous data protection during design collaboration, outsourced contract manufacturing, and other technical business processes where CAD data and engineering information is shared via the Internet with partners, vendors, or contractors.

Pinion Software has integrated an embeddable file-security packaging engine with corporate directory adapters to integrate rights management and file security inside the ProductView Graphics Server. Users of the PTC Server can protect and share files in their native application format; the ShareSafe packaging engine protects the information by applying in-use restrictions that travel with the files. 

For more information, you can visit

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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