Renishaw Adds 5 Materials to RenAM 500 series portfolio

Copper, tool steel, and aluminum alloy among new metals available.

Copper, tool steel, and aluminum alloy among new metals available.

Renishaw has announced several new additions to the processable materials for its RenAM 500 series of metal AM systems. The new materials added include commercially pure copper, H13 tool steel, Hastelloy X alloy, super-duplex stainless steel and AlSi7Mg aluminum alloy. 

Renishaw is releasing these five material files for its laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF) systems. Renishaw has also added new powder layer thicknesses to its current processable materials, including 90 μm titanium grade 23, 70 μm stainless steel 316L and 120 μm Inconel 718 parameters.

The material data sheets include results of Plastometrex’s PIP (Profilometry-based Indentation Plastometry) testing. Renishaw claims that by facilitating rapid, direct testing on different sections of AM parts, this method provides a precise evaluation of a part’s mechanical properties, in addition to complementing the company’s existing testing procedures.

“We are pleased to be adding to our portfolio of available materials to support innovative applications, and respond to the needs of our customers,” says Marc Gardon, EMEA Additive Manufacturing applications manager at Renishaw. “For instance, we have developed parameters for H13 tool steel, Hastelloy X alloy and super-duplex stainless steel to support customers in Spain and Portugal—SIMOLDES, ITP Aero and ADDIMEN—for applications in the tooling, aerospace and energy industries.”

The new material range opens up new AM applications for users of Renishaw’s RenAM 500 series:

  • Pure copper, with its high thermal and electrical conductivity, is suited to consumer electronics and heat exchanger components.
  • Aluminium AlSi7Mg is a lightweight, high-strength alloy suited to various applications in the aerospace and automotive industries.
  • H13 tool steel has thermal fatigue properties and high heat resistance to provide high-temperature performance.
  • Hastelloy X alloy and super-duplex stainless steel share corrosion resistance and high-strength characteristics suited to the oil/gas and chemical industries.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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