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New Software Tool for Hobo Data Loggers, 1 in a Series

Plug-in notifies users via text message or e-mail when conditions change.

Plug-in notifies users via text message or e-mail when conditions change.

By DE Editors

The Alarm and Readout Tool, a plug-in software module for use with HOBOware Pro software from Onset Computer Corporation (Bourne, MA), will automatically notify a user via cell phone text message or email when temperature, humidity, and other conditions exceed user-defined limits. 

The new Alarm and Readout Tool also enables data from networked HOBO data loggers to be automatically offloaded and stored onto a centralized computer.

The plug-in is priced at $49. For additional product details, please visit

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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