New Intel Development Tools Announced for HPC Program Development

Company aims software tools at creating applications for use with high-performance computing clusters.

Company aims software tools at creating applications for use with high-performance computing clusters.

By DE Editors

Intel Corporation(Santa Clara, CA) has begun shipping five new software developmenttools the company says will make it easier to create the distributedapplications used in high-performance computing (HPC) clusters. Thesecluster tools are expected to help developers create, debug, and tunehigh-performance applications for clusters faster while reducing thecosts associated with development.

“For any platform to achieve higher levels of performance,” said JamesReinders, director of marketing of the Intel Software ProductsDivision, “it needs optimized software to take advantage of every ounceof computing muscle. Intel software development products make it easierto build that software.”

These new products include Trace Analyzer and Collector 6.0, MessagePassing Interface (MPI) Library 2.0, Math Kernel Library (MKL) ClusterEdition 8.0, Integrated Performance Primitives (IPP) 5.0, and VTunePerformance Analyzer for Linux 8.0. During a preentation of the Inteldevelopment tools, Reinders explained the products are compatible withleading development environments and can be easily used in conjunctionwith other popular software development tools.

  • Intel Trace Analyzer and Collector 6.0 captures and displays MPItraffic to find communications bottlenecks within the cluster. This newversion includes an improved data presentation and scalability forlarge clusters. Price: $499 (single seat).
  • Intel MKL is a set of highly optimized, thread-safe, mathematicalfunctions for high-performance engineering, scientific, and financialapplications. The cluster edition of Intel MKL also includes ScaLAPACKand distributed memory Fast Fourier Transforms. Intel MKL includeslinear algebra (BLAS, LAPACK, Sparse Solvers), Fast Fourier Transforms,Vector Math, and Random Number Generators. Price: $499 (single seat).
  • Intel MPI Library 2.0 maximizes deployment flexibility by allowingapplications on run on multiple network architectures without changingcode. Price: $499 (single seat).
  • Intel IPP 5.0 benefits multi-core and HPC platforms by offering fullthread-safe functions including optimized encryption, string handlingand multimedia functions. Price: $199 (single seat).
  • Intel VTune Performance Analyzer 8.0 for Linux improves softwareperformance by finding bottlenecks through advanced profilingtechnologies which is critical with multi-core and HPC. Price: $699(single seat).

    The new HPC software tools are available directly from Intel and through resellers worldwide. For more information, click here.


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