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National Electric Vehicle Sweden Selects Aras

The organization will be using the PLM software to manage its entire workflow.

National Electric Vehicle Sweden (Nevs) has selected Aras as its PLM (product lifecycle management) infrastructure to manage vehicle configurations and variants throughout the entire lifecycle.

“Nevs is both developing innovative electric vehicles and transforming their business processes at the same time,” said Peter Schroer, CEO of Aras. “It’s an opportunity to rethink the business of engineering starting with a clean sheet for the design and development of electric vehicles.”

“Nevs demonstrates further proof that the world’s most innovative product developers recognize the need for a new approach to PLM for improved results,” said Leon Lauritsen, VP at Minerva. “We are proud to be the implementation partner for Nevs and believe that this deployment will set the benchmark for a highly optimized PLM solution.”

For more information, visit Aras.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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