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Mercury Computer Systems Announces Three New Products

They offer whole-power, real-time interactive and photo-realistic 3D rendering, and ray tracing.

They offer whole-power, real-time interactive and photo-realistic 3D rendering, and ray tracing.

By DE Editors

Mercury Computer Systems, Inc. (Chelmsford, MA) recently announced three new software offerings: OpenRTRT, DirectViz, and Patchwork 3D. The applications provide users with whole-power, real-time interactive and photo-realistic 3D rendering as well as real-time 3D ray tracing for visualization markets.

Aimed at existing 3D application developers, OpenRTRT is a software development kit with real-time ray tracing capabilities. Ray tracing traces the path taken by a ray of light through a scene, and calculates reflection, refraction, or absorption of the ray at intersection points. Click here for more info.

For 3D graphics application publishers, DirectViz offers the power of the OpenRTRT technology within the de facto standard framework for 3D application development. DirectViz is an extension to Version 6 of Mercury’s Open Inventor, an object-oriented, cross-platform 3D graphics software suite. For more info, click here.

Patchwork3D is a software suite for interactive digital product design review for end users who need a desktop application. Built around a realistic rendering engine, Patchwork3D imports CAD models, applies textures and lighting, and performs interactive realistic viewing. More information is available here.

All three applications are available now. OpenRTRT and DirectViz single developer licenses starts at $7,200 and cluster licenses start at $50,000. Patchwork3D application single licenses start at $27,000.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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