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Is Intel good for the market?

Is Intel good for the market?

By DE Editors

In our last newsletter I asked if Intel, with 92 percent market share, was good for the market. Here’s what Tracy had to say:

In my humble opinion, no, not a chance, and if allowed to continue small business technology companies will not have a choice. Then by analogy, ‘when guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.’ Intel then has no incentive to make anything faster or more efficient, or for that matter no incentive to innovate. No one company should have more than 60 or 70 percent of the market, especially in an area where technology has such broad applications. Besides, we all know that Intel is selling at a loss to capture market share and eliminate the competition.

It should not come down to a question of who has deeper pockets, and can sustain selling product at a loss longer. Technology consumers should have a choice based on performance versus dollars spent, not based on what the monopoly company wants to offer for sale.

That is just one engineer’s opinion.



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