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Infor Announces Infor PLM Accelerate

The platform uses a Web framework and open architecture.

Infor, a provider of business application software, has launched the Infor Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) Acclerate. The platform is powered by Aras and is suitable for companies in industries such as automotive, aerospace, manufacturing and defense.

Infor PLM Accelerate, according to the company, is made to easily adapt with business practices of discrete manufacturers. The platform uses an open architecture with a singular Web framework. The user interface has a drag and drop functionality to account for industry customizations. Customizable permissions, authentication and access control are also available.

“Managing the product lifecycle can be a major challenge for the rapidly shifting manufacturing industry. Streamlining processes while protecting quality and consistency are major concerns. Infor PLM Accelerate is designed with these challenges in mind, providing a more holistic approach to scale and meet the needs of each unique organization,” said Nathalie Regniers, industry strategy director, Product Lifecycle Management, Infor. “The solution is available as both on-premise and private cloud single-tenant deployment, to further add flexibility to the product lifecycle.”

For more information, visit Infor.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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