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Improve Your COSMOSWorks Designer Skills, 1 in a Series

Self-paced training course from SolidProfessor.

Self-paced training course from SolidProfessor.

By DE Editors

SolidProfessor (San Diego, CA) has released a new self-paced, multimedia training course Intended help designers to take full advantage of COSMOSWorks capabilities included in SolidWorks Office Premium.

The COSMOSWorks Designer course allow you to test your SolidWorks models and predict how they will behave in real-life situations. It begins by introducing fundamental FEA (finite element analysis) concepts, and addresses both procedures and concepts. The course takes you through the complete COSMOSWorks validation process, including geometry preparation, analysis definition, and results review. Each lesson delivers specific instructions on how to validate and improve the design of parts and assemblies by simulating their real life behavior in the COSMOSWorks environment.

COSMOSWorks Designer training course has been designed by certified SolidWorks instructors, according to SolidProfessor. SolidProfessor itself is a SolidWorks Solution Partner.

COSMOSWorks Designer training course is available directly from company via download or DVD delivery or through SolidWorks resellers. The single user price is $499. Volume discounts for multi-user implementations are available.

Click here to access a sample session or to see a complete list of lessons covered. For further details, go to SolidProfessor.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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