Hyperganic Launches HyDesign

Software reportedly made to democratize 3D-printed lattice design.

Software reportedly made to democratize 3D-printed lattice design.

HyDesign user interface. Image courtesy of Hygienic.

Hyperganic, a company in algorithmic engineering software, unveils HyDesign, a new cloud-native design application for creating 3D-printed lattice structures. This tool makes designing lattice-based products easy, fast and cost-effective for industrial designers, application engineers and original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) exploring 3D printing.

HyDesign offers validated materials, meshless simulation and exports to standard file formats.

The application is commercially available with a 14-day free trial, with plans to incorporate advanced features like thermal and fluid dynamics simulations.The Ultrasim® 3D Lattice Library by Forward AM is directly embedded into the software. This integration will replace the standalone version of the Ultrasim 3D Lattice Engine.

“Developing products for 3D printing has traditionally been costly trial-and-error,” says Michael Robinson, managing director and chief technology officer of Hyperganic. “HyDesign changes this by accelerating the design process with design flexibility, validated materials, and simulation, all in an app that takes minutes to learn.”

Key features:

  • Create and customize lattice structures in seconds and export as standard file formats such as STL or 3MF in minutes.
  • Access validated materials from the Ultrasim 3D Lattice Library by Forward AM, minimizing trial prints in the development of footwear, seating and protection applications.
  • Currently a beta feature, meshless simulation helps reduce trial-and-error efforts.
  • Design directly in your browser without specialized hardware or expert designer.

Partnership with Forward AM

Forward AM's Ultrasim 3D Lattice Library offers curated, tailored lattices that accelerate product development and eliminate guesswork in functional 3D-printed structures. Built on material science expertise and testing, the library provides optimal combinations of lattice designs, materials and printers, tested and used across industries such as footwear, seating and protection. It currently includes printer-material pairings like Ultrasint TPU 01 for HP's Multi-Jet Fusion (MJF5200) and TPU 88A for Farsoon's HT252.

“The Ultrasim 3D Lattice Library represents a significant leap in designing for additive manufacturing,” says Martin Back, CEO and managing director of Forward AM. “By combining our materials expertise with Hyperganic's technology, we're not just optimizing products—we're reshaping entire industries and accelerating innovation cycles across the board.”

While integrated into HyDesign, the library remains faccessible on Forward AM's website, offering detailed technical specifications for designers and engineers.

Future Developments

Since replacing the Ultrasim 3D Lattice Engine with HyDesig in April, Hyperganic is working on additional improvements. These include upcoming features like thermal simulation, computational fluid dynamics simulation and parametric optimization. Such features empower designers and engineers to solve challenges and optimize industrial parts such as fluid heat exchangers. The company's vision for HyDesign is a unified, design-simulate-optimize loop for product design and optimization.

HyDesign is now commercially available with a 14-day free trial, with simulation available as a beta feature. Experience lattice design and start your free trial at hyd.sg/hydesignlaunch.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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