NUBURU Partners with OSU Design/Manufacturing Center

Collaboration intended to demonstrate benefits of blue wavelength lasers in additive manufacturing.

Collaboration intended to demonstrate benefits of blue wavelength lasers in additive manufacturing.

NUBURU, Inc., an innovator in high-power and high-brightness industrial blue laser technology, announces a partnership with the Center for Design and Manufacturing Excellence (CDME) at Ohio State University (OSU) in Columbus, OH. The company has received a purchase order for its advanced BlueScan solution, which includes a BL-250 laser, scanner and optics. This technology will be installed within a powder bed fusion system at CDME's development lab.

With the introduction of the BL Series, beam quality has improved, enabling integration of the BL laser into powder bed fusion machines. The installation at CDME will enable direct comparisons with existing techniques. Additionally, interested third parties can collaborate with CDME to guide this research.

“CDME recognizes the transformative potential of blue lasers to significantly enhance productivity and quality in powder bed fusion applications,” says Brian Knaley, CEO of NUBURU. “We are honored that CDME, a center of excellence in additive processing, has chosen to integrate BL products into their technology portfolio.”

“We are excited to build upon the work NUBURU has initiated and compare the characteristics of blue lasers against traditional infrared laser approaches,” adds John Middendorf, director of Additive Manufacturing at CDME. “Once installed later this year, the system will be available for contract development, allowing us to explore new material innovations with NUBURU’s advanced blue laser technology.”

About CDME

The OSU CDME works with companies and researchers to translate new technologies into real-world, market-ready manufactured products. These projects give student employees at CDME hands-on experience integrating new technology while providing customers the workforce advantage necessary to compete in a global marketplace. 


Founded in 2015, NUBURU is a developer and manufacturer of industrial blue lasers. NUBURU's industrial blue lasers produce minimal to defect-free welds with flexibility inherent to laser processing, NUBURU notes. 

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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