GibbsCAM 2025 AI Features Released

In its latest version for 2025, GibbsCAM provides full support for Sandvik’s OptiThreading, enhancing its CAM solution. 

In its latest version for 2025, GibbsCAM provides full support for Sandvik’s OptiThreading, enhancing its CAM solution. 

Y-axis turning enhances stability, chip control, surface finish, and cutting speeds. Image courtesy of GibbsCAM.

GibbsCAM, a CAD/CAM innovator in the production machining industry, announces its latest software release that includes artificial intelligence (AI).

GibbsCAM continues to integrate Sandvik's manufacturing and tooling know-how into its development efforts. 

Full Potential of Turning

In its latest version for 2025, GibbsCAM provides full support for Sandvik’s OptiThreading, enhancing its CAM solution. 

With the insert positioned in the Y-Z plane, Y-axis Turning effectively directs the primary cutting forces into the milling spindle, providing stability. This yields chip control, improved surface finish, and increased cutting speeds. The inclusion of a third axis for tool rotation allows for optimal positioning of the tool, enabling the cutting of intricate shapes with a single tool. This also enables a “sweeping” motion for cutting complex shapes, preventing any blend marks and ensuring precise control of the insert wiper effect.

Sandvik Coromant’s OptiThreading provides a thread-turning technology. GibbsCAM’s new turning strategy for OptiThreading enables controlled chip breaking to eliminate long stringy chips that can damage a component’s surface and interfere with the cutting zone. It is just as suitable for simple threads as it is for cutting complex thread profiles, in high-strength alloys or exotic materials.

Using cutting data from the CoroPlus Tool Library, OptiThreading enables users to develop optimized thread-turning tool paths that specifically overcome the challenge of chip control with these operations. This is achieved by specialized GibbsCAM tool paths that use controlled, oscillating movements in and out of the cut for interrupted cuts on all passes except the last one. The result is controlled chip control for improved component quality, faster cutting speeds, and less manual work by reducing the need to manually clear long chips during the machine run cycle.

For Y-Turning and OptiThreading GibbsCAM 2025 offers programming strategies unlocking the potential of these technologies.

With Rib Cut Plunge, GibbsCAM 2025 offers another new turning strategy. This special turning strategy for roughing reduces tool deflection, improves tool life, and guarantees chip control. Within a preliminary operation, the tool repeatedly plunges into the part at full engagement to create a series of cuts with each cut more than a tool-width away from the previous one. The following pass cuts the remaining ribs at a 30%-50% increase in feed.

As a CAM solution for Swiss-type machines GibbsCAM 2025 introduces an option for the headstock origin. This allows the NC programmer to define a value for the distance between the front of the guide bushing and the headstock’s 0 position. It provides a more intuitive interface in the dynamic coordinate definitions for Swiss-style machines, according to GibbsCAM.

AI Support

The introduction of the GibbsCAM Copilot is part of Sandvik’s commitment to embrace AI for the user’s benefit. It represents just the start of a longer-term initiative to maximize productivity and profitability by implementing AI technology. Accessible directly from the Online Help menu, GibbsCAM Copilot uses Microsoft Azure Open AI on top of a dedicated database, trained by the GibbsCAM team, to offer rapid user support at any time without the need to hunt through documentation or reach out for first-line support.

For further product details, click here.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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