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Gestamp Selects Teamcenter

The company will be using the PLM system for streamlining product development.

Gestamp, an automotive supplier, has implemented Siemens’ Teamcenter software as its solution for PLM (product lifecycle management). It will help improve product development efficiencies and project management capabilities, the company states.

According to Siemens, Gestamp conducted an in-depth assessment of all the processes involved in its product development value chain, from the initial customer order until all pieces enter the manufacturing stage. As a result of its findings, the company decided to implement a global PLM solution capable of efficiently and effectively managing all of the identified processes within the major functional areas of its products’ lifecycles.

“We are very proud that Gestamp has put its trust in our Teamcenter solution,” said Joan Francàs, Country Manager for Spain and Portugal, Siemens PLM Software. “Siemens is committed to helping Gestamp, and other companies throughout the world, implement the digitalization and automation of their entire production process. We look forward to supporting Gestamp for a very long time, helping them to improve their efficiencies and decision making in order to fully realize innovation in their own products.”

For more information, visit Gestamp and Siemens PLM Software.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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