Faro CMMs Add Q-DAS Support

3D measuring tools can feed data to quality control application.

3D measuring tools can feed data to quality control application.

By DE Editors

The FaroArm and FARO Gage from FARO Technologies will be compatible with Q-DAS SPC Link, a quality control software application used by many automotive manufacturers and suppliers.

“Adding Q-DAS capability gives our portable CMMs a rare advantage,” FARO President and CEO Jay Freeland said. “Our customers can now interface with one of the most respected and powerful statistical software packages available.”

For statistical analysis, Q-DAS uses what it calls the CAMERA method: Collecting, Assessing, Management, Evaluating, Reporting, and Archiving.

“FaroArm and FARO Gage users can seamlessly transfer measurement data into SPC Link, enabling them to evolve customized solutions,” said Q-DAS President Tom Stewart. “In addition to generating time-/event-driven reports, the software has a Real-Time feature which allows others to monitor processes on-line.”

The FARO Gage and Gage-PLUS are used to prove that outgoing and incoming parts are up to spec. The FaroArm portable measurement arm takes the Gage line’s capability to the next level by creating a 3D “blueprint” of a part or machine components so that users can perform CAD-to-part analysis or reverse-engineer custom parts.

.Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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