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ETAS Inc. Introduces INTECRIO for Prototyping

New model-based software prototyping enables integration with MATLAB.

New model-based software prototyping enables integration with MATLAB.

By DE Editors

ETAS Inc. (Ann Arbor, MI) has released INTECRIO, a flexible PC-based environment for prototyping of embedded software.

INTECRIO allows users to integrate control models built in the MATLAB/-Simulink environment with software models built in ETAS’ ASCET or C-code.

An integrated OSEK-compliant operating system allows the user to validate control functions in virtual real-time against elaborate plant models on a standard Windows PC. The same control functions can also be validated in real-time using real-world sensors and actuators through rapid prototyping (RP) hardware.

INTECRIO has an open COM interface that supports compatible tools such as C++, VBScript, Perl, or Python. This allows a connection with third-party CM tools or requirements capture tools. In addition, INTECRIO supports the XML format for model and data exchange with third-party products.

For further details, please visit ETAS Inc.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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