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EMA to Create Accelerated Designs IP Company

New spinoff business unit will provide multi-CAD support & expertise worldwide, EMA reports.

New spinoff business unit will provide multi-CAD support & expertise worldwide, EMA reports.

EMA Design Automation is spinning off its IP, content and services group as a new company named Accelerated Designs, LLC with a focus on CAD agnostic solutions. Accelerated Designs will expand on the design and methodology expertise EMA has gained implementing fully integrated CAD environments for customers globally, EMA Design Automation reports.

Accelerated Designs will provide design automation, system integration and content services to the full ECAD and MCAD community, with a focus on CAD agnostic solutions that drive methodology, time to market, and efficiency improvements at all phases of design, EMA Design Automation reports. The already CAD agnostic Ultra Librarian brand will also become part of the Accelerated Designs portfolio.

“We are very excited to announce this new venture as it represents the culmination of the combined efforts of our highly dedicated team over many years,” says Manny Marcano, president and CEO of EMA Design Automation. “As we look to continue growing our IP and services business to support customers’ multi-CAD environments, we see this as the best path to ensure we can fully serve the entire EDA community.”

As companies look to improve efficiency, leverage digital twins and reduce overall schedule risk, it is imperative that the methodologies and data used can be connected and leveraged at all phases. Accelerated Designs will help companies streamline their processes, reduce manual effort and connect their data, all while allowing them to surface real-time information in context for optimal decision-making.

As part of the spin-off, EMA will enter into a distribution agreement with Accelerated Designs to enable EMA and their global partner network to continue providing these IP and engineering services directly to customers.

Accelerated Designs will be launching soon. For more information, contact [email protected].

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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