Dyndrite Welcomes Essentium and Xaar to Dyndrite Developer Council

Inventor of High Speed Extrusion additive solutions and manufacturer of piezo-based inkjet technologies come on board.

Inventor of High Speed Extrusion additive solutions and manufacturer of piezo-based inkjet technologies come on board.

Dyndrite, providers of the core accelerated computation engine used to create next-generation digital manufacturing hardware and software, announces the addition of Essentium, the inventor of High Speed Extrusion (HSE) 3D printers and materials, as well as Xaar, a leading manufacturer of piezo-based inkjet technologies used in a number of industries, to the Dyndrite Developer Council.

The Dyndrite Developer Council is a central component of the Dyndrite Developer Program, which provides tools, resources and community for original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), independent software vendors (ISVs), and service providers developing on the Dyndrite platform. Membership to the Council enables vendors to collaborate on standards needed for the industry as a whole, to positively influence technology directions, and gain early access to new technologies being developed by Dyndrite and other developer council members.

Essentium, founded in 2013, started in materials research and development for industrial companies and later began manufacturing its own industrial-grade materials. The company recognized that to optimize the material properties to realize its aims of strength, speed and scale in AM, it needed to develop its own additive manufacturing platforms, and by 2018 had launched its High Speed Extrusion 3D Printing Platform. Essentium manufactures and delivers industrial 3D printers and materials. 

“We’re excited to join the Dyndrite Developer Council and begin exploring the customer advantages this new technology brings to production-oriented companies such as Essentium,” says Blake Teipel, CEO, Essentium. “Just as with machines and materials, innovation within software is critical to maximizing the customer’s needs, Dyndrite provides us with this capability—IP-protected, machine-specific software innovation to unlock the potential of our machines, materials and new business models.”

Xaar became a leader in inkjet technology for the high-resolution 2D printing industry. With more than 300 granted and pending patents this innovator started research in the 3D printing industries and in 2019 launched its first high-viscosity capability for 3D jetting platforms. 

“Xaar is looking to deliver greater 3D printing productivity through printheads by exploring the new Accelerated Computation Engine software from Dyndrite,” says Gareth Neal, Customer Applications, Advanced Applications, Xaar. “We are excited to work closely with Dyndrite and its developer council members to advance the industry.”

Dyndrite Developer Conference will include presentations from Essentium, Xaar and other council members. Image courtesy of Dyndrite.

Industry participants are invited to attend the Dyndrite Developer Conference on April 20-21, 2021, which will be featuring presentations from Essentium, Xaar, as well as other key Dyndrite Developer Council members.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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