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Design Engineering Technology Primer

The state of the industry for design engineering technology.

The state of the industry for design engineering technology.

By DE Editors

Engineering technology moves faster and faster every day. To help you keep up, DE‘s contributing editors have compiled in-depth overviews of various design engineering technologies and the companies that provide them.

On this page, you’ll find technology overviews of different additive manufacturing technologies, 3D scanning and sensors, as well as outlooks on MCAD, analysis and simulation. We hope you find them useful in your day-to-day tasks as well as in planning for the future.


Evolution of Computer-Aided Design

Evolution of Analysis

Evolution of High-Performance Computing

Evolution of Sensors & Embedded Systems

Evolution of Rapid Technologies

Evolution of Simulation

Direct ModelingDirect Modeling and Simulation
How they can work in tandem.

As direct and parametric modeling merge, engineers are learning the value of direct modeling to simulation. Read DE’s six-part series includes two step-by-step tutorials.

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3D Scanning 101 3D Scanning 101
How to choose digitizing technologies.

With multiple digitizing technologies available, it is often not obvious which might best serve your needs. We’ll look at principles, characteristics and key advantages and disadvantages of both low- and high-density scanning techniques.

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Sensors 101Sensors 101
How to choose the right sensor.

Choosing the right sensor for the job isnt straightforward, but knowing the factors to consider can help you achieve your goals “and avoid unhappy surprises.

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Additive Manufacturing 101Additive Manufacturing 101
Defining your options for rapid manufacturing.

Have you heard bits and pieces about additive manufacturing (AM) but dont quite know what differentiates the technologies? DE goes back to basics and clarifies the alphabet soup of AM processes and systems.

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More Technology Overviews


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