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COADE Announces CADWorx fieldPipe 2008 for 3D Plant Design

New capability completes the model at the field location.

New capability completes the model at the field location.

By DE Editors

CADWorx fieldPipe 2008 is an enhanced edition of the package that integrates CADWorx Plant Professional from COADE (Houston, TX) with fieldPipe for fieldPro from Leica (Heerbrugg, Switzerland). The product produces AutoCAD-based 3D models, site designs, spool drawings, and design verification from any field site.

The new release links design information directly to process and instrumentation diagrams, which allows users to see components existing in the P&ID and to select and place those components directly into the model.

“CADWorx fieldPipe’s big advantage is that the point-and-shoot laser sends the data directly into the CADWorx plant design program for 3D modeling at any field location,” explained Vornel Walker, manager of Marketing and Partner Development at COADE. “So, when you’re done surveying, the 3D model is completed.”

CADWorx fieldPipe 2008 also expands capabilities for producing automatic isometrics by incorporating ISOGEN’s latest features. For more information, visit

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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