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CIMdata to Host PLM Leadership Education Programs

The one- and two-day courses will be held in Boston.

CIMdata, a global PLM (product lifecycle management) strategic consulting and research firm, has stated it will be offering two of its new PLM Leadership Educational programs in Boston. The courses will run the week of September 21st. These short courses leverage the company’s five-day PLM Certificate Program for Industrial Organizations and PLM Solutions Providers.

The first program, the PLM Executive Short Course, will be a one-day program that includes a combination of lectures, case studies and group discussions.

The second program, PLM Fundamentals for Solution Providers Short Course, will cover main PLM educational requirements for solution providers and employees who are responsible for PLM-related services. It will be conducted over two days and include lectures, group discussions and individual assignments.

Those who complete either program will receive a certificate of PLM Leadership.

For more information, visit CIMdata.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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